Saturday, 7 January 2012

Hacking Facebook Profile Using Password Recovery | Hack Facebook Password Recovery

This is a very good technique that can be used to restore and retrieve any Facebook account as long you have at least smallest of a clue of the person whom you want to hack.If not,I’ll provide you a few sties which will help you find out more about him and quite easily answer his recovery settings.Even though this method has only 50%-50% chances of recovering a password.It is at least worth a try.If not we have to go to other alternative options of Facebook Hacking
facebook login 300x230 Hacking Facebook Profile Using Password Recovery | Hack Facebook Password Recovery
Matching Faces
I thought about this method as I was showing a friend through Teamviewer the pictures that Facebook was showing me to identify the target’s friends. And obviously, I was clueless because I did not whom i was even trying to hack.
What did I do? Well, as you can see the screenshot.
2.Security question
3.Confirm Identity
4.Confirm identity by identifying the friends on that account.
facebook matching face Hacking Facebook Profile Using Password Recovery | Hack Facebook Password Recovery
Before you try answering any of the questions go to some of these sites and check out what they do.They give you list of email address,nicknames,phone number and other details which the user would have entered on the “World Wide Web”.
Facebook provides the names of the target’s friends. So, use that information to essentially bypass the security of identification by searching those names on Facebook search and matching the faces based on the Target’s friends.
It will only ask you match faces if you are logging in with the correct password or if you get picked up from a different location.
Note that will need an extra Facebook account to search, otherwise Facebook does not let you search. Close the ‘Suspicion’ page and log in to your extra or your actual Facebook account and search for the Target’s friends.
Be sure to notice where your target lives so on the results you can compare whether if the friend is the matching face or not. Be sure to notice the names of the friends as well.
For example, if the name choices are:
George Bush
Adolf Hitler
Barrack Obama
Mohammed Ali
Lee Chang
And the picture given is of an middle eastern descent looking person, you should obviously go with the name that sounds middle eastern.
Once you match the faces for the identification questions. You should be able to get in without a problem.
Apart from just blindly following this method.You should also try to apply a little of your head into this game.You can actually chat with your victim and extract all the details

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